Annual Chabad dinner celebrates Five Towns contributors


More than 550 people attended the Chabad of the Five Towns annual dinner celebration at the Sephardic Temple in Cedarhurst on Dec. 11 that recognized their contributions to Chabad.

Leibel and Myrna Zisman, Aryeh and Brocha Blumenthal, Dovi and Tzipi Faivish, Mitchell and Stacey Teller and Dr. Mendel and Faigle Warshawsky were honored. Woodmere Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, this year’s corporate sponsor, received Chabad’s community service award.

“Chabad Magnified” was this year’s theme and a video presentation highlighted several successful Chabad programs led by Rabbi Zalman and Chanie Wolowik, and youth directors Rabbi Meir and Hadassah Geisinsky.

Beautiful custom artwork was presented to the honorees, while guests left with a copy of the book, “I Believe,” written by Leibel Zisman.